Oct. 17 Meeting Minutes
Student Association
Tuesday, October 17, 2017 Missouri River Room
9:00 PM
Roll Call
Arts and Sciences
Schultz, Adam - Present
Sigurdson, Jake – Present
Ring, Cordell - Present
Usher, Darcy - Present
School of Business
Harris, Tyler - Present
Doerr, Shanae - Present
Horn, Justice - Present
Sproles, Kayla - Excused
School of Education
Tappe, Alexis - Present
Hanson, Libby - Present
Fetsch, Katelyn - Present
Luna, Taylor - Present
School of Fine Arts
Brekke, Taylor - Excused
Quinn, Danny - Excused
Senators At-Large
Gossage, Joshua - Present
Duchsherer, Haley - Present
Kvale, Joseph - Present
Graduate School, Residence Life
Johnson, Danielle – Present
North, Zack – Present
International, Freshman
Homayounpour, Pedram - Present
Haggin, Justice - Present
Advisor President & Vice President
Dr. Waid-Lindberg - Present
Thielbar, Brooke – Excused
Van Oosbree, Annika - Present
Minutes Approval
Motioned to approve the minutes by Haley Duchsherer, Seconded by Darcy Usher
Motion Passes
Agenda Approval
Motion to approve the agenda by Cordell Ring, Seconded by Tyler Harris
Motion Passes
Open Forum
CEC – group on campus to attend the meeting; National CEC conference in Feb, Cheapest hotel and flight; Spread the word to end the world, bikes, CEC Oct 24, national disability awareness month – going to table in student center about this
Psychology Club – creating activity, low numbers for the club, losing side of the shore (4 women with cancer row a boat from San Francisco to Australia).Charge admission for the community come and watch the movie, $250 for the movie, and then Northern would own it. Watch on November 3. Maybe make it just for females, issue would be all student fees go to present this movie. Brochures and flyers will be provided once the film is purchased. Add in the paper for free to tell the community about the showing. De-stressor event. Meetings: activities and service opportunities. Psi Chi: shadowing/confidentiality complications for psychologists.
Motion to approve Psych Club for $250 by Darcy Usher, seconded by Tyler Harris
Motion Passes – Roll Call Votes – Yes: 16 No: 0 Abstain: 2
New Business
New Administrative Assistant – Jillian – Percussionists, good note taker, she will be great
Senate Reports
School of Education
New professor for Physical Education Methods classes (Dakota Barrie and Paula
Krueger); Suicide Prevention Training by Dean Duncan; Pre-Student Teaching
begins again on Monday
School of Fine Arts
Nothing to Report
College of Arts and Sciences
Nothing to Report
School of Business
Meeting with the Dean tomorrow at 8:30; business club elected officers; Yankee
Candle fundraiser hand-out; might come ask for money
At Large
Meeting with Terri Holmes; tabling what do you want most at Northern – Classes
Residence Halls
Fall Festival on October 30th – Painting, carmel apples; wants to table and need
people (Annika Van Oosbree and Justice Haggin)
Concerns with schedule conflicts – not being able to be in choir since art class
conflicts with it; try independent study, don’t take art – take the choir class since
that is what they are there for
Office is organizing Halloween Party open to everyone
Graduate School
Graduate associate meeting last Thursday, presented ideas for D2L, onboard,
ideas – put on grad page and available to all NSU students, work with Dr. Lien.
Do better with tutorial for D2L (look into Google Classroom – put BOR policy to
use D2L)
Excused – Nothing to Report
Vice President
Contact with Justin Fraase – waiting for a quote for texting app service add to
wolves app or have our own, meeting with Veronica about increasing the GAF
Committee Reports
New dorms are going up fast and look great
SORC meeting again tomorrow
Public Relations
Moving cancer awareness event to Feb so it can cover all cancers for National
Cancer Prevention Month, office decoration working on art pieces, looking into
pictures and art from NSU, light up northern idea (Justice Horn, Justice Haggin)
call it Northern Lights by selling candy canes to give to charity
Meeting with Veronica
Advisor Notes
BOR meeting meal re-imbursement through Dr. Waid-Lindberg and get the $52 back
from her
Old Business
Constitution amendments
Things we want to cut
SBAC, SA Advisor, repetitive section – absences
Motion to approve to cut by Darcy Usher, seconded by Adam Schultz
Things to add
Articles 8 and 9, bylaws for pro-tempore, absences
Motion to approve to add by Darcy Usher, seconded by Adam Schultz
Things to Change
Pro-tempore selected by current pro-tempore if absent
Motion to approve changes by Darcy Usher, seconded by Adam Schultz
Zack addition
1st Article Revision
Motion to approve by Tyler Harris, seconded by Adam Schultz
2nd Article Revision
Motion to approve by Darcy Usher, seconded Adam Schultz
3rd Article Revision
Motion to approve by Adam Schultz, seconded by Tyler Harris
4th Article Revision
Motion to approve by Darcy Usher, seconded by Adam Schultz
Senator Announcements
Health inspector came and got 95 out of 100 at Den
Multicultural Forum – October 24 at 7 pm, serious topic about stereotypes (power point form and how to help)
Gus Foote wishing he could be here – Saturday looking for judges for HS speech tournament (free breakfast)
Fall Festival on Oct 30 – 7-10 pm in Jerde Cafeteria; RHA executive board wants us there and ResLife Admin
Do an ice breaker before Cultural Form to talk about different stereotypes – think about what is true or not – bring it up to put it to rest
Advisor for taekwondo club, he wants to start a student TV program and bring forth information to talk to him about what to do
News broadcasting at Northern needs to rise up again – weekly announcements to update students
Definition of bigotry
Attendance of multicultural form
Hunchback is great, go see it
Motion to adjourn by Joseph Kvale, Seconded by Zack North
Motion Passes