March 25, 2018 Meeting Minutes
Student Association
Sunday, March 25, 2018 Missouri River Room
8:00 PM
Roll Call
Arts and Sciences
Schultz, Adam - Present
Sigurdson, Jake – Present
Ring, Cordell - Present
Usher, Darcy – Present
School of Business
Harris, Tyler - Present
Doerr, Shanae - Present
Horn, Justice - Present
Sproles, Kayla - Present
School of Education
Tappe, Alexis - Present
Hansen, Libby - Present
Fetsch, Katelyn - Present
Luna, Taylor - Present
School of Fine Arts
Brekke, Taylor - Present
Quinn, Danny - Absent
Senators At-Large
Martinez, Alysha - Present
Duchsherer, Haley - Present
Kvale, Joseph - Present
Graduate School Residence Life
Batsch, William - Present
North, Zack – Present
International Freshman
Homayounpour, Pedram – Late/Present
Haggin, Justice - Excused
Advisor President & Vice President
Dr. Waid-Lindberg – Present
Thielbar, Brooke – Present
Dr. Checka-Leinwall- Present
Van Oosbree, Annika - Present
Minutes Approval
Motion to approve by Tyler Harris, seconded by Kayla Sproles
Agenda Approval
Motion to approve by Tyler Harris, seconded by Kayla Sproles
Old Business
Open Forum
New Business
New Constitution
Several new changes throughout the Constitution including: a name change to Student Government Association; Student Association now consists of all registered students of Northern State University; the term is now one year that goes from the 3rd week of April to the 3rd week of April of the next year; Senators may now Proxy their vote given they fill out the required paperwork, failure to do so/abuse of proxy vote will result in punishment; the standing committees now consist of the Government Affairs Committee, Finance Committee, Public Relations Committee, and State and Local Government Committee; the Executive Branch now consists of a President, Vice President, Chief Policy Officer, Chief Financial Officer, and Chief Communications officer; it now takes 10% or 400 signatures to petition to recall a member of SGA from their position; there is now an article pertaining to the impeachment and removal of senators; the SGA has sole power to sanction or remove members after proper trial has been held; the Senate Affairs committee has the sole authority of impeachment
New By-Laws
The following changes to the By-Laws have been made: standing committees shall elect its own chairperson, with the exception being the Senate Government Affairs Committee; each committee shall elect a vice-chairperson in case of the absence of the chairperson; each committee shall also elect a secretary to take minutes that will be sent to the Administrative Assistant within one day of the meeting and archived/published; the Senate Government Affairs Committee has been created, it will be chaired by the President Pro-Tempore; the Senate State and Local Government Committee has been created; the chairperson of said committee shall attend Aberdeen city council meetings and report back to the SGA; the Student Organization Review Committee will meet twice during the year, once during the fall semester and once during the spring semester; executive petitions require that the candidates shall run as a team and must attend a January SGA meeting to declare their candidacy, and must participate in at least one debate sponsored by SGA or another recognized University entity; a process for bill introduction and passage has been established; requirement of 2.5 cumulative GPA for undergraduate senators and 3.0 cumulative and semester GPA for graduate students; rather than just the President and Vice President having to be sworn in, now all the senators are sworn in as well.
Motion to approve the Constitution and By-Laws as amended effective the next senate by Jake Sigurdson, seconded by Kayla Sproles; motion passes
Motion to take a 5-minute recess by Kayla Sproles, seconded by Zack North
Motion to end 5-minute recess by Tyler Harris, seconded by Zack North
Senate Reports School of Education – The Dean has officially retired; Dr. Flom is leaving
School of Fine Arts – SAI music fraternity is having a fundraiser at Wings and Rings tomorrow night; taping Dr. Woods and Dr. Olson at Jerde at 4 on Tuesday
College of Arts and Sciences – The science fair was a success; national history day was 2 weeks ago; applications for research-based grants are now available
School of Business – PBL competition went over well, nearly everyone placed
At Large – Nothing to report
Residence Halls – Nothing to report
Graduate School – Recently hired a new professor
International – Nothing to report
Freshman – Not Present
President – Senators leave for BOR this week, there is room for 2 more people; petitions have gone out and are due by 5pm on the 28th in the student affairs office; there will be an inauguration ceremony at 5:30 on Tuesday, April 17th, open to all who wish to attend
Vice President – The GAF increase got stopped by BOR, but there is opportunity for re-discussion/re-consideration; there is going to be a final Student Federation meeting on Tuesday, just voted last Thursday that external candidates have the opportunity to run for the executive director and chair positions before internal candidates have the opportunity to run, encouraged senators to run
Committee Reports
Facilities – Nothing to report
Governance – Nothing to report
Public Relations – Nothing to report
Finance – Learned that we are not allowed to fund religious organizations due to SDBOR policy
Ad-Hoc Constitution – We officially have a new constitution
Faculty Advisor Notes
If senators wish to attend BOR, they must notify Dr. Waid-Lindberg by tomorrow morning so they get on the travel list; great work on the constitution
Student Affairs Advisor Notes
Commended committee members on a great job on the constitution; make sure that when lobbying for the GAF increase you share the same opinion/voice as the President; commended Kayla on a job well done with SBAC hearings and deliberations
Senator Announcements
Motion to adjourn by Darcy Usher, seconded by Kayla Sproles; motion passes