Oct. 10 Meeting Minutes
Student Association
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 Missouri River Room
9:00 PM
Roll Call
Arts and Sciences
Schultz, Adam - Present
Sigurdson, Jake – Present
Ring, Cordell - Present
Usher, Darcy - Present
School of Business
Harris, Tyler - Present
Doerr, Shanae - Present
Horn, Justice - Present
Sproles, Kayla - Present
School of Education
Tappe, Alexis - Present
Hanson, Libby - Present
Fetsch, Katelyn - Excused
Luna, Taylor - Excused
School of Fine Arts
Brekke, Taylor - Excused
Quinn, Danny - Present
Senators At-Large
Gossage, Joshua - Present
Duchsherer, Haley - Present
Kvale, Joseph - Present
Graduate School, Residence Life
Johnson, Danielle - Excused
North, Zack – Present
International, Freshman
Homayounpour, Pedram - Present
Haggin, Justice - Present
Advisor President & Vice President
Dr. Waid-Lindberg - Present
Thielbar, Brooke – Present
Van Oosbree, Annika - Present
Minutes Approval
Motioned to amend the minutes by Josh Gossage, Seconded by Haley D
Motion Passes
Motion to amend the agenda by Zack North, seconded by Darcy Usher
Motion Passes
Motioned to approve the minutes by Cordell Ring, Seconded by Shanae Doerr
Motion Passes
Agenda Approval
Motion to approve the agenda by , Seconded by
Motion Passes
Open Forum
Art Club Budget Request
Motion to Approve by Josh Gossage, Seconded by Darcy Usher
Motion to Approve Mayco Stroke, Apple Barrel and Alex for 184.03 by Josh Gossage, Seconded by Jake Sigurdson
Motion Passes
New Business
Constitutional Amendments
Motion to table Constitutional Amendments II by Zach North, Seconded by Adam Schultz
Student Affairs Advisor
Gypsy Days Parade Follow-Up
Create Collaborative Google Doc for pros and cons to document for later
Administrative Assistant
Alexis Tappe – Minutes next week
Senate Reports
School of Education
First field experience is complete.
Professor left
School of Fine Arts
Met with Dean
Recruitment numbers going up
Developing programs and minors
Improve Recruitment
College of Arts and Sciences
Nothing to Report
School of Business
Conference in Rapid City- Represented countries:China and Nigeria Presented
At Large
Looking for someone to meet with
Residence Halls
Executive Elections over for RHA
Dana Duvall is President
Rocky Horror Picture Show Event
2E walls going up
Schedule meeting with Prostaff
Graduate School
Nothing to Report
Freshman Senator
Nothing to Report
International Senator
Nothing to Report
Contact Leadership when things are going to be done, or you want to be done
Ask for help; we are here to support each other
Vice President
Academic Affairs meeting
New Bio curriculum and Environmental Science passed
Meeting President Downs
Discussed the GAF increase
Committee Reports
Nothing to Report
Next week present amendments
Let governance know if you have more ideas.
Public Relations
Writing Thank You’s for helpers with parade- MAGE club for example
Decorating the office – campaign decorating the window with cancer ribbon
Table for students to sign ribbons to create large one
Partnering with Zoe Buckstead
Press Release?!?!
Senator of the Week- bi weekly basis
Finish and turn in Questionnaire
Update Board
Involvement with Multicultural forum- advertise and tell people, prepare questions
More artwork for the office- Darcy archived photos from library, Justice H.
Presidential Promenade: Centennial Room, snowflake making event, Aramark Catering
Creating posters and invitation creation
Awarewolves will donate for free- Harrison Bruns DJ
Sponsor Holiday decorating from community and campus Light Up Northern
GAF Increase possibility
Advisor Notes
Nothing to Report
Old Business
Senator Announcements
Ad Hoc task force just met on adding Flex to other areas- card change from magnetic to chip possibly. Start on-campus and then through Aberdeen. It won’t be flex-it will be more like Hobodough; Different currency.
Do away with residence hall keys- 2 years for Briscoe and McWelsh to change, new halls will
Only use 4 of 13 abilities of our cards: Door Access, Meal plans, events and library
Looking at adding 8 more ( not parking)
Football Game: Black out for Cancer
Coke and Pepsi bidding
Hunchback Oct 18th-21st
Motion to adjourn by Jake Sigurdson, Seconded by Adam Schultz
Motion Passes