Oct. 31, 2017 Meeting Minutes
Student Association
Tuesday, October 31, 2017 Missouri River Room
9:00 PM
Roll Call
Arts and Sciences
Schultz, Adam - excused
Sigurdson, Jake – Present
Ring, Cordell - Present
Usher, Darcy - Excused
School of Business
Harris, Tyler - Present
Doerr, Shanae - Present
Horn, Justice - Present
Sproles, Kayla - Present
School of Education
Tappe, Alexis - excused
Hansen, Libby - Present
Fetsch, Katelyn - Present
Luna, Taylor - Present
School of Fine Arts
Brekke, Taylor - Present
Quinn, Danny - Present
Senators At-Large
Gossage, Joshua - Excused
Duchsherer, Haley - Present
Kvale, Joseph - Present
Graduate School/Residence Life
Johnson, Danielle – Present
North, Zack – Present
Homayounpour, Pedram - Excused
Haggin, Justice - Present
Advisor President & Vice President
Dr. Waid-Lindberg - Present
Thielbar, Brooke – Present
Dr. Checka Leinwall- Absent
Van Oosbree, Annika - Present
Minutes Approval
Motioned to approve the minutes by Kayla Sproles, Seconded by Shanae
Motion Passes
Agenda Approval
Motion to approve the agenda by Kayla Sproles , Seconded by Cordell
Motion Passes
Open Forum
Lambda Pi Eta– communication club, throw events, difficult due to being not an official club, give something to give NSU and communication majors to be proud of. All requirements: constitution, enough members, elected officials. Speakers come in and talk about communication jobs and what to do with a communications degree.
Motion to approve by Kayla Sproles, Second by Jake Sigurdson.
Motion Passed.
Student involvement: lack of students attending and supporting sports events, on campus events, band concerts, etc. Proposed solution: student association work closely with SAC and to improve communication to figure out a “spirit squad” or some sort of system to encourage people to attend different events, work on publicizing important news about events i.e an app, planners with different events already put in them.
NSU College Democrat club: approval for club, submitted constitution, working on first meeting and has not elected officials yet, used to be on existence, trying to bring it back, can help history majors and political science majors as well as any student learn more about who they are voting for and to have a better understanding about politics. Leaning more towards helping people understand voting rather than forcing people into political positions.
Motion to approve Cordell Ring, Second by Danielle Johnson
Motion passed.
New Business
Title of Ordinance- be adaptable and changeable system to document all submitted, passed, failed, and withdrawn legislation presented to Student Association
Motion: To approve Darcey Usher. Second by Tyler Harris.
Motion Passed.
Y: 17 N: 0
Motion to go to roll call vote per bylaws section 5 article A. clause E. by Zack North, Seconded by Darcy Usher
Amendment: adding to the By-laws Article IV, Section 3
Motion: to approve Darcey Usher, Second Tyler Harris
Y: 17 N: 0
Motion to reenact regular order by Kayla Sproles, Second by Jake Sigurdson
Senate Reports
School of Education
Junior Field
School of Fine Arts
Elsa Swanson finalists in MET opera audition, youngest there.
College of Arts and Sciences
Meeting tomorrow with Dr. Waid-Lindberg
School of Business
Met with dean, continued work to get an art/business major combo,
At Large
Met with Terry Homes on Friday, tabling about what is going to be brought back to campus
Residence Halls
Nothing to report
Nothing to report
Nothing to report
Graduate School
Nothing to report
Email about facilities naming committee, new residence halls’ names being submitted, academic affairs meeting next week, need to set up meeting with President Downs
Vice President
Got email back from Justin about app/texting service that is being worked on, send texts about events and be able to subscribe to different club calendars and events. cost 1500$ for 12 months, 1050$ for 10 months, possible have to contribute money towards it.
Committee Reports
Amended constitution for Zack’s amendment, Getting Budget requests signed off by an advisor to save time and confusion
Public Relations
Working on fixing student association website, making it more accessible and more appealing, has more information for clubs to ask about budgets and getting approved. Light up northern. Requested 300$ for food from Honors for Promenade.
Working on things to be talked about soon in future meeting.
Advisor Notes
Faculty Advisor:
Nothing to report
Student Affairs Advisor:
Talk about incident report last night and talked about preferences about where to receive emergency notification. Two new staff in Student Affairs: Jumpstart and Transfer Student coordinator. Continuing revisions on Title IX. BIG (Behavioral Interventional Group)- work with many committees and help people connect to those committees.
Old Business
Constitution amendments
Things we want to cut
SBAC, SA Advisor, repetitive section – absences
Motion to approve to cut by Darcy Usher, seconded by Adam Schultz
Things to add
Articles 8 and 9, bylaws for pro-tempore, absences
Motion to approve to add by Darcy Usher, seconded by Adam Schultz
Things to Change
Pro-tempore selected by current pro-tempore if absent
Motion to approve changes by Darcy Usher, seconded by Adam Schultz
Zack addition
1st Article Revision
Motion to approve by Tyler Harris, seconded by Adam Schultz
2nd Article Revision
Motion to approve by Darcy Usher, seconded Adam Schultz
3rd Article Revision
Motion to approve by Adam Schultz, seconded by Tyler Harris
4th Article Revision
Motion to approve by Darcy Usher, seconded by Adam Schultz
Senator Announcements
Brooke: November 2 Football game @ 7, recital @ 7, November 4 orchestra concert @ 7:30, November 7 Percussion leaving to go to PASIC in Indianapolis, Sunday November 5th Senior recital @ 3
Justice H: Psych club showing movie at Krikac December 1st.
Kayla- swing dance lessons Monday November 6 @ 7.
Tyler: communication and marketing tabling in student center to change headline for NSU
Justice: athletic committee having first meeting November 2.
Motion to adjourn by Jake Sigurdson, Seconded by Kayla Sproles.
Motion Passes