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Nov. 28, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Student Association

Tuesday, November 28, 2017 Missouri River Room

9:00 PM

Roll Call

Arts and Sciences

Schultz, Adam - Present

Sigurdson, Jake – Present

Ring, Cordell - Excused

Usher, Darcy - Present

School of Business

Harris, Tyler - Excused

Doerr, Shanae - Present

Horn, Justice - Present

Sproles, Kayla - Excused

School of Education

Tappe, Alexis - Present

Hansen, Libby - Present

Fetsch, Katelyn - Present

Luna, Taylor - Present

School of Fine Arts

Brekke, Taylor - Excused

Quinn, Danny - Excused

Senators At-Large

Duchsherer, Haley - Present

Kvale, Joseph – Present

Alysha Martinez - Present

Graduate School Residence Life

Johnson, Danielle – Present

North, Zack – Present

International Freshman

Homayounpour, Pedram - Present

Haggin, Justice - Excused

Advisor President & Vice President

Dr. Waid-Lindberg – Present

Thielbar, Brooke – Excused

Dr. Leinwall- Late/Present

Van Oosbree, Annika - Excused

Minutes Approval

Motion to approve by Shanae Doerr, seconded Haley Duchsherer

Motion passed

​Agenda Approval

Motion to approve by Danielle Johnson, Seconded by Haley Duscherer

Motion passed

​Open Forum

Alysha Martinez applying for at-large senate seat

-Motion to go into executive session by Shanae seconded by Katelyn

-Approved for at-large seat

-Motion to end executive session by Jake Sigurdson, seconded by Adam Schultz

Newman Club Budget Request

-Conference coming up and asking for $999.99 for transportation.

-Focused in people wanting to grow as leadership. Seeking to grow men and women of the community in leadership and faith.

-Motion to approve Newman Club for $999.99 by Shanae Doerr, Seconded by Darcy Usher


Motion Passes – Yes: 12 No: 0 Abstain: 1

Tae Kwon Do/Kumdo Club Budget Request

Budget requests for $240 dollar for belt testing. Money goes to the master of the organization coming to do the testing. Have never come to student association in the past because it’s been a personal want to work on belts. Paid for testing out of pocket prior to requesting money.

Motion to approve for $240 by Danielle Johnson, seconded by Shanae Doerr


Motion passes – Yes: 10 No: 2 Abstain: 1

New Business


Senate Reports ​School of Education

Cookie Exchange

​​School of Fine Arts

Not Present

College of Arts and Sciences

Nothing to report

​​School of Business

Just got back from break

​​​At Large

  • Met with Joelle Lein getting the students prospective on Starfish and what the students think to make it better or how it can be better. No tutorial for how to use those resources. Curious about what where should we put the list of all course offering for the next semester. Make it part of the IDL class?

  • IDL classes are going to be changed

  • Met with area coordinator Corey Klatt: some type of club or organization to encourage student spirit. Could hand out stuff relation to Northern Pride

  • Residence Halls

  • Residence Halls are decorated or are in the process of being decorated

  • Meeting with Checka about finances and how the new possible GAF increase would happen and how those funds would be distributed.

Graduate School

Ill professor that left graduate program has passed away. The family has suggested setting up a scholarship fund in his remembrance.


Nothing to Report


Not Present


Not Present

​​​Vice President

Not Present

Committee Reports


The five year plan for Northern was released. How the university will look is going to be crazy. New facilities could bring more students and athletes to campus


Nothing to report

Public Relations

Discussed more on presidential promenade. Part of Wolvesmas on December 6th. 4-7 pm. Our booth should be our office. Still sponsors of the Multicultural Forum. How Christmas is celebrated around the world.


Talked about GAF increase and how it would be spent

Faculty Advisor Notes

Getting to the end

Student Affairs Advisor Notes

Cannot come next week. Massive congratulations to all of you for the work you have done. Looking forward to getting to work in January.

Old Business

Senator Announcements

​Adjournment ​ Motion to adjourn the meeting by Joe Kvale, seconded by Libby Hansen.

Motion Passes

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