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Jan. 16, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Student Association

Tuesday, January 16, 2018 Missouri River Room

9:00 PM

Roll Call

Arts and Sciences

Schultz, Adam - Present

Sigurdson, Jake – Present

Ring, Cordell - Present

Usher, Darcy – excused

School of Business

Harris, Tyler - Present

Doerr, Shanae - Present

Horn, Justice - Present

Sproles, Kayla - Present

School of Education

Tappe, Alexis - present

Hansen, Libby - Present

Fetsch, Katelyn - Present

Luna, Taylor - Present

School of Fine Arts

Brekke, Taylor - Present

Quinn, Danny - excused

Senators At-Large

Martinez, Alysha- Present

Duchsherer, Haley - Present

Kvale, Joseph - Present

Graduate School Residence Life

Johnson, Danielle – Present

North, Zack – Present

International Freshman

Homayounpour, Pedram - Present

Haggin, Justice - Present

Advisor President & Vice President

Dr. Waid-Lindberg - Present

Thielbar, Brooke – Present

Dr. Checka-leinwall- Present

Van Oosbree, Annika - Present

​Minutes Approval

Motioned to approve the minutes by Kayla Sproles , Seconded by Shanae Doerr

Motion Passes

​Agenda Approval

Motion to approve the agenda by Kayla Sproles, Seconded by

Motion Passes

​Open Forum

NSU Masquers- scholarships for theatre and acting, competitions to earn scholarships, awards, gain experience, and attending costs $10,000, requesting $999.99 for hotels and a few other expenses, KCTF is a great opportunity to make connections in professional world and great experience.

Motioned to approve by Haley Duchsherer, Seconded by Tyler Harris

Y: 19 N: 0

Motion Passes

Project Pengyou- request $337.44 for presidential promenade.

Motioned to approve by Taylor Harris, Seconded by Tyler Harris

Y: 17 A: 1 N: 1

Motion Passes

New Business

Election Committee- find 4 people, set up elections and decide online or in person. Done by 2nd Tuesday of April. For people who are not planning on running.

GAF Tabling- Table while votes are in process, answering people’s questions, January/ February 30th, 31st, 1st.

Senate Reports

School of Education

Student teaching starts on Monday ​​

School of Fine Arts

Jazz fest on Thursday and concert @ 7:30 ​​

College of Arts and Sciences ​​ ​Nothing to report

School of Business ​​ ​ Dean got a new dog over vacation

At Large ​​ ​Planning a meeting with Dr. Lien

Residence Halls

Programming coming up in two weeks


Nothing to report

International Nothing to report

Graduate School Meeting with Joel Lien


President ​​ ​Met with Dr. Downs, got things caught up and updated, explained SHED, next meeting schedule, invited to city council meeting next Monday to help approve of NSU improvements

Vice President

On strategic planning committee for NSU, meet 2nd week of Feb., talking about SHED. Working on budget forms.

Committee Reports


Light situation for presidential promenade


Nothing to report

Public Relations

Nothing to report

Finance Things to add to the constitution, need more people to be a part of committee.

Advisor Notes

Faculty: Nothing to report

Student: Talking about power of the student voice and promote that. Went to the first diversity action committee meeting, looking for student representative, Feb. 13th cafeteria will have other foods as part of Black History Month

Old Business

Senator Announcements

Meet with Brooke about SHED

Find people to fill in seats for SA next year


Motion to adjourn by Kayla Sproles, Seconded by Tyler Harris

Motion Passes

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