Jan. 30, 2018 Meeting Minutes
Student Association
Tuesday, January 30, 2018 Missouri River Room
9:00 PM
Roll Call
Arts and Sciences
Schultz, Adam - Present
Sigurdson, Jake – Present
Ring, Cordell - Present
Usher, Darcy – Present
School of Business
Harris, Tyler - Present
Doerr, Shanae - Present
Horn, Justice - Present
Sproles, Kayla - Present
School of Education
Tappe, Alexis - Present
Hansen, Libby - Present
Fetsch, Katelyn - Present
Luna, Taylor - Present
School of Fine Arts
Brekke, Taylor - Present
Quinn, Danny - Present
Senators At-Large
Martinez, Alysha - Present
Duchsherer, Haley - Present
Kvale, Joseph - Present
Graduate School Residence Life
Johnson, Danielle – Present
North, Zack – Present
International Freshman
Homayounpour, Pedram - Excused
Haggin, Justice - Present
Advisor President & Vice President
Dr. Waid-Lindberg - Present
Thielbar, Brooke – Present
Dr. Checka-Leinwall- Present
Van Oosbree, Annika - Excused
Minutes Approval
Motioned to amend the minutes by Danny Quinn, Seconded by Katelyn Fetsch
Motion Passes
Motioned to approve amended minutes by Kayla Sproles, seconded Taylor Brekke
Motion Passes
Agenda Approval
Motion to approve the agenda by Kayla Sproles, Seconded by Katelyn Fetsch
Motion Passes
Open Forum
New Business
Senate Reports
School of Education Set up meeting with dean for Feb. 13
School of Fine Arts Nothing to report
College of Arts and Sciences Nothing to report
School of Business Signup for the Omaha trip is available in Lincoln 101
At Large Working with PR for semester-end project
Residence Halls
Nothing to report
Nothing to report
International Not present
Graduate School Nothing to report
President Needs 4 volunteers to be house managers for orchestra concert; a group is tabling to protest the GAF increase; request for increased help at table; SHED and Board of Regents trip details; state legislation opposing illegal immigrants’ attendance at public universities (SB 103) and regarding freedom of speech on campus (HB 1073), Senators attending SHED are asked to present a stance on the subject (NSU opposes the bill)
Vice President
Not present
Committee Reports
Meeting with President Downs on Feb. 16th
Nothing to report
Public Relations
Presidential Promenade this Saturday, February 3 at 8 in the Centennial Room, senators are asked to help set up at 2pm and invite at least 5 faculty members to attend
Finance Meeting was held and discussed finance documents/policies of other universities to form one for NSU
Advisor Notes
Dr. Waid-Lindberg – Encourage people to attend Presidential Promenade, tell faculty about what it is/encourage them to attend
Dr. Checka-Leinwall – Encouraged senators to sign up for tabling to ensure strong presence in support of GAF increase
Old Business
Senator Announcements
February 13th from 5:30-6:30 in Student Center, AAEW sponsoring reading of the Vagina Monologues; SAI will be having singing telegrams on February 13-14
Motion to adjourn by Kayla Sproles, Seconded by Tyler Harris
Motion Passes