Feb. 13, 2018 Meeting Minutes
Student Association
Tuesday, February 13, 2018 Missouri River Room
9:00 PM
Roll Call
Arts and Sciences
Schultz, Adam - Present
Sigurdson, Jake – Present
Ring, Cordell - Present
Usher, Darcy – Present
School of Business
Harris, Tyler - Present
Doerr, Shanae - Present
Horn, Justice - Excused
Sproles, Kayla - Present
School of Education
Tappe, Alexis - Present
Hansen, Libby - Present
Fetsch, Katelyn - Present
Luna, Taylor - Present
School of Fine Arts
Brekke, Taylor - Present
Quinn, Danny - Present
Senators At-Large
Martinez, Alysha - Present
Duchsherer, Haley - Present
Kvale, Joseph - Present
Graduate School Residence Life
Johnson, Danielle – Excused
North, Zack – Present
International Freshman
Homayounpour, Pedram - Present
Haggin, Justice - Excused
Advisor President & Vice President
Dr. Waid-Lindberg – Late/Excused
Thielbar, Brooke – Present
Dr. Checka-Leinwall- Present
Van Oosbree, Annika - Present
Minutes Approval
Motion to amend minutes to correct name spelling by Kayla Sproles, seconded by Tyler Harris
Motion to approve amended minutes by Kayla Sproles, seconded by Tyler Harris
Agenda Approval
Motion to amend to include Constitution committee by Jake Sigurdson, seconded by Zack North
Motion to approve amended agenda by Jake Sigurdson, seconded by Darcy Usher
Old Business
Open Forum
RHA budget request – asking for $50.04 to buy 3 dessert trays and water for RHA event on February 28; motion to approve full amount by Tyler Harris, seconded by Kayla Sproles
Y:16 N:0 A: 2 Ab:3 – Motion passes
Art club budget request – asking for weaving looms and crochet hooks for Yarn-Bombing project, tape, paper, and pens for nursing home paper flower project, and funding for transportation for gallery trip to Fargo; motion to approve $236.86 by Tyler Harris, seconded by Taylor Brekke
Y: 18 N: 0 A:0 Ab: 3 – Motion passes
New Business
Student Federation Bylaws Committee Appointment; motion to nominate Annika Van Oosbree by Tyler Harris, seconded by Kayla Sproles; unanimous vote, motion passes
Constitution Committee; would include 1 chair and 2 senators to run the committee, administrative team present would be present as non-voting members; would include rewriting the entirety of the constitution and its by-laws, including setting up a board of directors, putting in policy for impeachment and removal of senators and administrators; asking to create a committee; motion to create ad-hoc constitution committee by Kayla Sproles, seconded by Tyler Harris, unanimous vote, motion passes; motion to nominate Zack North as chair by Jake, seconded by Darcy, nomination accepted, unanimous vote, motion passes; motion to nominate Shanae Doerr as representative senator by Tyler Harris, seconded by Kayla Sproles; motion to nominate Tyler Harris as representative senator by Shanae Doerr, seconded by Jake Sigurdson; motion to nominate Darcy Usher as representative senator by Joseph Kvale, seconded by Haley Duchsherer; motion to enter executive session by Jake Sigurdson, seconded by Shanae Doerr; vote to elect Zack North as chair – Y:14 N:0 A:0 Ab:7; Tyler Harris and Shanae Doerr elected as representative senators by secret vote
Senate Reports School of Education –Meeting with dean got rescheduled TBA
School of Fine Arts – Orchestra concert this Saturday at 7:30pm
College of Arts and Sciences – Nothing to Report
School of Business – Professional business clothes drive next Wednesday; 22 potential hires are coming this week; ISA representative was on campus today; women in business seminar in Aberdeen
At Large – Nothing to report
Residence Halls – Nothing to report
Graduate School – Not present
International – Spring break bus that goes from D.C. to Minneapolis, if anyone needs a ride to Minneapolis can contact International office
Freshman – Not present
President – Meeting with Downs was cancelled, will be rescheduled
Vice President – Updates from SHED, several new bills were presented and voted on by attendees
Committee Reports
Facilities – Nothing to report
Governance – Nothing to report
Public Relations – Nothing to report
Finance – Need to send out materials involved in GAF increase campaign
Faculty Advisor Notes
Reminder to meet with Julie Johnson in regards to Pierre trip
Student Affairs Advisor Notes
Black history month lunch in dining hall today, encouraged senators to attend black history month program on Feb. 20th
Senator Announcements
Its Senior weekend for Basketball, AAUW is planning another SmartStart workshop, thank you to those who attended SHED and Zack and Shanae for using their vehicles; Debate team is headed to state this weekend; start of the Fishguard film festival at the Red Rooster; reminder there is no class on Monday
Motion to adjourn by Kayla Sproles, seconded by Darcy Usher